Shame on you..

May 13, 2008 at 12:45 pm Leave a comment

Argh. The AF show last week was so terrible and frustrating. There was no dismissal. Base on the final result, Nadia was the one whom supposed to be eliminated on that night but naaaah.. Astro was so greedy to cheat people’s money and time and they still want to keep Nadia in the academy until final, obviously… But if Stanly would be in the last rank, i believe out is out. There would be no 2nd chance for him. And frankly i’m so piss off towards the Malaysian’s voters whom vote rediculously not knowing that the champion out of the AF breed have no quality at all and this is a disgrace to the Malaysia Music Industry.

From AF1 – AF5, in my opinion, Mawi, Faisal and Mila were a failure. A TOTAL failure. Thanks to the Malaysia voters whom made the reality ASTRO TV show the Best Malaysian Funniest Home Video.
But let’s look deeper to the root cause. Hey, who chose them at the first place? From AF1, compare to Nana and Rosma, Rosma sang well (even now) compare to Nana. But how did Nana got into the 12 finalist of AF1? Well, it was the ASTRO problem since day 1, same goes to AF2-3-4-5 and recently AF6 where i could see that Toi, Nubhan and Faisal keep on presenting the out of tune! ASTRO, the should be in the Raja Lawak entertainment, not in the singing competition. Surely they will win one if they ‘berpindah kursus’ ke Raja lawak show..

One of the strong main factor to this is the people whom were selected to do the auditions were not qualified, I repeat NOT qualified. OR, maybe they are qualified due to certain factor like tiredness, lack of time, hungry, environtment, misjudge, ego and many more which made them unwisely selected the unqualified but the potential candidates were given the red card.

I think ASTRO should start to do something about this. Maybe during the early selections stage, ONLY those who can sing well is selected to go to stage 2,3 or maybe until 5 if they have to. ASTRO should be responsibble to these students if they do really want AF breed stars to be made with quality and not by the fingers of men. Like what one blog which i read constantly said, God creates ‘beautiful’ stars, but men produces them (regardless quality???).

Just my 2 cents worth…

Entry filed under: AF6, My Memory Lane.

Thanks Mate! Chips


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