UiTM not mature?

August 16, 2008 at 4:51 am 1 comment

Before that, lets read the news taken from malaysiakini.com….

Pelajar UiTM protes di Permatang Pauh
Aug 15, 08 12:10pm
Penuntut Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) cawangan Permatang Pauh mengadakan perhimpunan aman memprotes cadangan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim agar universiti itu dibuka kepada pelajar bukan Bumiputera.Kumpulan penuntut itu yang turut memakai pakaian serba hitam, diketuai Yang Dipertua Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) universiti itu, Mohd Faizal Zainol di Padang UiTM Permatang Pauh sejak jam 9 pagi selama sejam sambil menyanyikan lagu rasmi universiti serta lagu patriotik seperti ‘Anak Kecil Bermain Api’.
Menurut Bernama, mereka turut membawa pelbagai sepanduk bertulis ‘Hidup Melayu’, ‘UiTM Milik Melayu’ dan ‘Jangan Jual Bangsa Melayu’ sambil melaung-laungkan kemarahan terhadap Abdul Khalid.
Perhimpunan itu berakhir selepas Mohd Faizal menyerahkan memorandum yang ditandatangani mereka kepada  Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Akademik UiTM itu Dr Mohd Abdullah Hemdi.
Mohd Abdullah memberitahu pemberita bahawa memorandum itu akan diserahkan kepada Naib Canselor UiTM Prof Datuk Seri Ibrahim Abu Shah untuk dikumpulkan  sebelum diserahkan kepada Menteri Besar Selangor.
Sementara itu Mohd Faizal berkata pelajar UiTM kesal dengan tindakan Abdul Khalid itu kerana sanggup mengemukakan syor yang dianggapnya menjual maruah bangsa di tanah air sendiri.
“Kalau Abdul Khalid tidak tarik balik kenyataan beliau, semua warga UiTM akan mengadakan perhimpunan besar-besaran di Shah Alam.

“Kami berharap isu kuota bukan Bumiputera untuk masuk ke UiTM sebagai pelajar tidak perlu dibincangkan lagi. Kami kesal Abdul Khalid membelakangkan hak kaum sendiri,” katanya.

Well, what do you think? Ok, as a Sarawak native non muslim bumiputra, i feel cool, happy and a little bit protected knowing that my next generations will easily have the extra advantage of getting into a higher institutions due to the less competition among the total of students that is in the same batch of all Malaysia. Now uITM is available in every states in Malaysia. The courses like engineering and even medicine is available now.

More than 10 years ago, people’s mindset, including mine ITM (before being upgraded to university -uITM) is for those whom did not excell in their studies and having a 3rd grade or only few passes in their SPM. Due to the bad results, these students could not enter the public university. And these unfortunate less clever students are the bumiputra. So to lessen the burden of their parents in another way to reduce the unemployment and indireclty help them to survive in the competetive world, the itm is form for the bumiputra where light courses were provided such as management, science, hotel and catering,musics and lots more un-technical programme and there was no bachelor degree, highest was the Diploma level. That was more than 10 years ago. Now, after being upgraded to university  status, obviuosly things need to change, ones need to have good grades and innovatives to compete and various courses from the certificates to the bachelor degree is provided and mind you, it really benefits us. But something which didn’t change whereby the university is still for the bumiputra. So, i must said that i’m happy for it, less challenge, less openess and so be it!

But one thing the bumiputra should know that everything is not free. TO build the UITM buildings, to pay the lecturers salary and to pay cost of maintenance, library, books and other facilities, the money comes from our income tax and who are the payers? Yes, Malaysians, inclusive of Chinese and Indians too. Besides our money, we are using THEIR (especially to the Chinese for being the biggest tax payer group) money to cater this. Thanks to THEM! Every universities all over the world, to be the prestigious, they should have the openess, accept challenges from students from various tribe and country and they will progress. uITM is obviously scared to compete, scared to lose and scared of everything. Unless they want to remain the same, they must at least make some changes in the way they think, 10% of non bumis into the uni could be the 1st step to be the factor of challenge, strive towards the improvement and excell with pride and dignity.

So, my advise to these rioting students, stop the stupid riot, go back to your dorm and start to study and do your homework! 10% is not harmful anyway… unless its your exam paper mark!

Entry filed under: My Memory Lane.

Syabas Sis! Lagu Rakyat

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Otak Biru  |  May 28, 2009 at 2:59 pm

    Not all my dear fren..not all..what you saw is the ‘recruited’ young freshies marching on the street.



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